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Focal Area of Research - Evidence-Based Governance in the German Educational System

Research Program “Evidence-Based Governance in the German Educational System” (SteBis)

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the overarching research program SteBis (Evidence-Based Governance in the German Educational System) draws together a multitude of scientists from universities and research institutes all over Germany, representing the educational and social sciences, as well as the fields of psychology and economics of education. These scientists empirically examine, what effects the recently implemented “New Governance” strategies and instruments in the German school system have in practice, which barriers actors face when using evidence-based knowledge, and how the introduced measures and instruments can be further developed in order to ensure a sustainable quality of school education.

Research findings are presented in a scientific context as well as to governance actors across the educational system.

Research Focus

  • Effects of newly implemented governance instruments (e.g. education standards, school inspection, assessment of learning progress, national educational reporting)

  • Actions at the level of school management and usage of evidence-based knowledge by governance actors in school and schooling administration

  • Options for further development of quality assurance measures for the school system


As part of this overarching research program, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds research projects that examine governance in the German educational system (with a focus on schools) empirically.

Funding period (first stage): 2010 - 2014.


(german)                                     (pdf-Download) (english)